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پروژه پایتون – حل سه تمرین

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  • //job.eyvanekasra.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/img-01-2.pngتهران

جزئیات پروژه

پروژه پایتون – حل تمرین

سلام ، بخشی از پروژه پایتون را من را در زیر مشاهده می کنید. فایل های آن در پیوست موجود است، افرادی که می توانند در سریعترین زمان پروژه را تحویل دهند پیشنهاد دهند، کیفیت کار خیلی اهمیتی ندارد. در این پروژه پایتون سرعت تحویل کار برای من اهمیت زیادی دارد.

There are 3 multi-part questions, with each part worth 10 points. Marks will reflect the comprehension of the course material that you demonstrate.
For each part, there are only 4 possible grades:

  • E: This is the grade if you literally write nothing. Worth 0/10
  • C: This is the grade if you really don’t understand what you’re doing…but you wrote anything. Worth 5/10
  • B: This is the grade if you got the answer mostly right. Worth 8/10. This will be the most common mark.
  • A: This is the grade if your answer is as good (or better!) than mine. Worth 10/10. Not often worth the extra time and effort.

Comments in your code that allow me to easily understand what you were trying to do may improve your mark. The elegance of your python code will not usually affect your mark. (But it might if you’re cutting and pasting a lot because you don’t know how to use loops or functions or array operations effectively.)

For test statistics please be sure to mention which test statistic you decided to use, give its formula, the value of your test statistic, and its critical value under the null hypothesis.

For graphs please remember to label the axes and include a legend (if you plot more than one series.)

Recall that HEC Montréal’s rules regarding plagiarism apply to both your written answers and your computer code.

You should submit your answers in this file, including all written answers, computer code and graphics.
The letter grade that you receive may be reduced if your code does not run in JupyterLab.

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